
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Once again...

I have been at this spot before but not with such desire. I went to the doctor in February for my follow up appointment for my lab work. Well it was not good. My A1C was 7.6. My doctor told me that because of my history if I do not lose weight and get my numbers our of control I will be forced to go on insulin shots. I am on oral medication at this time. I do not want to have to take insulin shots. I take a Byetta shot now but it is helps my body do what it is supposed to do with the insulin my body makes. Taken correctly it is a good thing. I have to get serious with this. I know I have said this before but by Junes lab I have to have made some changes.
Today I had toast and a banana for breakfast. I had one enchilada for lunch with some beans & strawberries. I had steak, green beans and a small baked potato for dinner. I took my medicine like I am supposed to. So far my numbers for my sugar today are 126 two hours after breakfast, 148 a little over two hours after lunch, 131 before dinner and 121 two hours after dinner. I have drank unsweet tea and ice water today...I am sure not the amount of water I should but at least not soda or sweet tea.
One of the problems I have been having is waking up above 160 in the mornings. I will see what it is in the morning.
My goal is to lose at least 80 lbs. I am doing this in steps so the first one is get where I was when Ray and I met. I am not prepared to post my weight numbers on here at this time.
Please follow me on this journey and feel free to share any thoughts, suggestions or anything with me.
Take care.