
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So blessed!!

March 20, 2011,
March so far has been incredible. Yes we have had a few things that have been thrown at us but I have faith and I know that our God is BIGGER than anything that can be thrown at us to make us become negative or have sour thoughts.
We had the wonderful surprise of getting to see Lathen, Melanie and Andy in early March, so wish they could have stayed longer. Then for Spring Break Sara, Maddie, Kayla & Matthew were coming on Monday but completely surprised us on Saturday and stayed until Friday. We had so much fun went to the Aquarium, Victoria Zoo, and the Park. We are so incredibly BLESSED!!
Well I am still asking myself “Is it worth it?” when I am eating something. I am paying attention to the fact am I hungry, or am I just eating because I am bored, stressed or whatever reason. I know I eat for comfort it is so easy and put a load of stress on me and I eat. But you know what I saw something this past few days that I had not seen in a while and it was a number on the scaleit felt good and I liked it. I have been taking my medicine like I am supposed to take it and watching what I eat. Now to get my body moving on the elliptical that we bought a while back so my goal is to step on it and make it work for me. Starting small and moving more and more that is where it begins.
I just finished the class I was taking toward my Master’s Degree, now just two more to go. I have been doing some reading and I want to share a few of the things that have stuck with me. Many years ago I lost 85 lbs. I made drastic changes in my eating.  I also changed my mind set and what I visualized for myself.  One of the things I read this past week reminded me of these things.
One of the first things that jumped out at me was to renew my thoughts daily. This goes along with what I am reading from Made to Cravewhich is asking God to help me through this with these cravings, feelings of being deprived and giving it to God.
Something else is something I know we are told often; don’t beat yourself up when you eat that piece of candy or more than you should have.  Tomorrow is a new day and a new start.
The other things are to visualize you thin. Do a lot of positive talk to yourself. Drink lots of water.
My biggest problem these past several months has been that I keep saying tomorrow, I will start tomorrow. Trust me tomorrow never comes. I have made a choice that tomorrow is here and I have been doing it this past week. I must add that Friday was not a good day for me. I feed my stress and sadness that the kids left. But yesterday was a different day as is today.
I cannot believe the difference in my sugar numbers that I have seen in making the changes I have made this past week. They are so much better. I have not got up once this past week close to 200, now to keep this up. I still have a lot to learn about living with diabetes. My goal is to lose my weight so I can lose the meds.
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We can all do this. My prayers are with everyone that you have a blessed week.
Till next time.Be blessed!

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