
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Monday, April 8, 2013

I found "Onederland"!

I posted last in January so let’s see what has been going on since then. I have found my way to “onederland” I have reached 192.5. I am super excited about this. It has been long time getting here but since my highest weight in 13 years was 254 in 2009 since then I have lost 61.5 pounds.

I have done this by watching the amount of food I eat, what I eat which includes cutting back on carbs and increasing my protein and I also take ACE which I have been doing since March 24, 2012.

I have had a small setback on my medicine. I was taking Byetta which is a twice a day shot to help my body deal with the sugar it makes correctly. They have come out with a new one that has the same medicine in it as Byetta does but it is once a week. It is called Bydureon. My doctor told me about the medicine and I jumped on it. The thought of only taking one shot a week sounded amazing to me. The first four weeks were exactly that amazing. Week five brought on something that has begun more of a bad dream. I began have horrible abdomen pain and back pain on Friday. I tried to ride this out but by Sunday night I was in tears and doubled over in pain. Ray took me to the ER to find out my pancreatic enzymes were elevated. I was given something for pain and sent home to ride it out. Since we were not sure at this time if the Bydureon was related to this for sure I took the shot on Thursday. By the next day I was in pain again. This time knowing the cause I rode it out. By Wednesday of the next week I was feeling better. I had a doctor appointment for that day with my doctor. When I got there we discussed the medicine. It was decided that I would no longer take the Bydureon and go back to the Byetta. I waited till Friday morning to begin the Byetta again. I took it every day for 5 days, by Thursday I was in horrible pain again. I went in to see my doctor and was told that I can no longer take the Byetta. The one thing I found out on this visit is that the Bydureon has a half-life (which most meds do). This means that from the last day that I took the last shot of Bydureon it takes 10 weeks, yep 10 weeks to get out of my system, so therefore I suffer still from this medicine. As of today I am about 6 ½ weeks away from having this out of my system until then I deal with the abdominal pain, nausea, and back pain.

Please understand me I do not blame my doctor for any of this. She is amazing. She gave me all of the information, I read it, I spoke to a pharmacist and I made the decision to take it. For some people this medicine is works great for some, it just was not for me.

Now I continue my journey on to reach my goal of being healthier and getting off of my diabetic medicine Janumet. In time it will happen.

Until next time, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.   I pray for each of you and thank you in advance for your prayers.

Take care…Remember your words have creative power. Say it, believe it, and you’ll see it!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year...Get back on my change of lifestyle and move forward...

Well it has been awhile since I posted. Here we are on January 4, 2013. It is a new year and my goals continue. I have slacked off during the holidays but I am ready to get back into it. My plan is to begin exercising and get my weight off and be healthier.  I did an interview today with the Caller Times Newspaper. They are going to run articles on diabetes over the next year.  I want to share my story with others in hopes of helping someone. It is an important subject and those that are diabetic need to know all the information that they can get even if someone is pre-diabetic. My goal remains the same to lose weight, get healthier and get off of my medicine for my diabetes for good.  I plan to keep this updated more often. I will post my progress. What are your goals and plans for 2013? If you have Facebook you can follow me on it
Thank you to everyone for your support.