
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Sunday, January 2, 2011

All Things Are Possible...

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
-Philippians 4:13

Well the New Year as began. I sat thinking about what and how I wanted to start this off. My plans for the first day did not go as I thought they would but that is okay because they went even better...I had an awesome day spending the first half with my awesome hubby and the second half with our youngest daughter, we had lunch and went purse shopping.
In my thoughts I have been thinking that I wanted to find scripture to use in my blog. I found several websites but they were usually for websites where people had written books and had used scripture. Finally I was looking and I found with a book called Faith & Fitness by Tom Hafer…did I order this book….no it is what I saw on this page that gave me what I needed it was the product description.
“What does faith have to do with fitness? In Faith & Fitness author Tom Hafer explores the connection between a strong faith and everyday lifestyle choices.”
Now this was not the whole description but as I read this I realized that I have what I need: I have my Faith in God, I have my Bible, and I have Prayer. Then I thought about one of my favorite Bible verses Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
Now that I have what I need I in place I am ready to begin. Please feel free to comment share your stories, share Bible verses that are important to you. If you want to share a picture email it to me and I will post it. This does not just have to be a losing weight, share your thoughts, share ideas; just share….it is about support and sharing knowledge. I am blessed to have the support of my family. My husband is awesome. I do not feel that I have to lose weight because of anything he said because he loves me for me as I am. Our talks are just that we want to be healthy so that we can live to be 90 and drink root beer on our front porch sitting in our rocking chairs. My family understands what I am doing and supports me.
God knows that I am not strong when it comes to my cravings so every day I am sure several times a day I will be asking God to give me strength. I like Proverbs so I am going to begin ready from there in my Bible. I will also be using the web site because it has tools to help also. I will add my link to it here soon. I will also be posting a picture of me on here for my now picture. I have decided that as hard as it is I will be posting an “as is” picture.
Without going into long details I have come a long way since I first became overweight. My heaviest was 285;  however in 2000 I lost 90 of those pounds. I remember when I tried on that first pair of jeans after losing that weight. I did not buy any new clothes during those months of losing weight. It was on December 18, 2000 in Lane Bryant in Waco, Texas I had began 285 size 26 and on that day I put on a pair of size 18 jeans. My mom was there with me and she had been there with me during all those years so you knew how excited I was at that moment. That was an incredible feeling. Not only did I lose weight during those months I learned about me that I could do something I set my mind to, that I was worth something, that I was not worthless, that I was a good person…I had spend so many years believing otherwise. I felt like I had began life over at 38 because during this time I turned 38.
I am so blessed now to have gone through what I went through in those years because I was once told I had to go through those times so that I can appreciate the good with a different outlook and know how blessed I am. I like to think and as far as I am concerned I am the most blessed woman in the world. My prayers is that through this blog and all of us sharing with each other we will help each other along this journey, share stories and ideas with each other as well as anyone who stops by to read it.
God bless each and every one of us!!

With God all things are Possible!!!

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