
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Think about today...put yesterday behind you...move forward....

Bob said all you have to think about is what you have to do today. This was going to be about how I have not done what I wanted to do. Here is it January 4 and I have not done it. I have had good intentions but good intentions do not get it done unless I put some effort to it. So I am going to put these 4 days behind me and move forward with tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day and I will not beat myself up for these past 4 days. They are what they are and will move forward now.
It has been nice these past two days to go back to work. Getting back into a routine has been nice. I missed my students so it was good to see them. I have to admit that my other thoughts are that now that it is after the first of the year, January and now we are getting closer to TAKS. Not my favorite subject but that is ok. It is what it is. We will make it and we will get through it.
Now as I type this I am watching the Biggest Loser. My heart goes out to these people. But I am not here to talk about Biggest Loserbecause I am determined to get my act together and be my own biggest loser. I need to drink more water, leave the snacks this is my most difficult thing leaving snacks alone. I get bored I want to eat. I also need to get myself on the elliptical. It is not going to do it for me I just need to do this. I can say all of this but getting it done is another story but I pray this week that I can make the right moves to get these things done. So please pray for me.
This weight did not come on overnight and it is not going to disappear overnight but I want results fast. I know that I am not going to see them fast so I have to be patient and patience is not my virtue however I am not going to pray for patience. Sometimes it just seems so hard to turn away from food or my desire that I am craving or I see something that looks good or sounds good and I just eat it. I know I shouldn’t but I do. I used to eat for comfort but that was many moons ago. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I cry because of the fact that I have let myself go. I remember that day that I tried on those pants in Lane Bryant and how it felt. That was such a rush and felt so good. I loved being able to bend over and tie my shoes not having to sit down and tie them. I could see my collar bonedidn’t know I had one till then or at least I had forgotten since I had not seen in so long. I felt so good, I had so much energy, and felt awesome overall. I can do this I know I can.
Now here is the part I say I can do this I know I can but then I ask myself why don’t I do this, why don’t I do what it is I know I need to do. I have to make some changes and stick to them in order to do this. I have to change my thoughts, my desires and my actions for anything to work. As I said before I am not going to pray for patience I am praying for guidance, and for my desires for food to change. I am working on new thoughts about food I will let you know how this goes.
I pray each of you are reaching the goals that you have set for yourself.
God bless each of you!
With God all things are possible.

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