
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I am still a winner even though I came in thrid...

We just completed Biggest Loser at work. I came in third…but for me I am first because I still win because I am making changes in my eating, bringing my blood sugar numbers to the best they have been and on top of it I have lost 26 lbs as of now.
This is just the beginning. Most of my pants and capris are size 22 and I can take them off without unbuttoning them.  I tried on some jeans today the first pair I put on was a size 20 they  fit so I tried on a size 18….I could button them they were just a little tight. I did not buy any but it felt good. On March 24, 2012 I started taking a supplement called ACE. Since I started taking it I have lost 21 lbs. I feel so much better and know that I will continue to feel even better as I continue to lose weight.

There are days that I feel deprived but I know that I can do this. I recently read somewhere that one night a week should be a free night with some moderation.  Tonight we went to Chili’s I ordered beef fajitas. I ate one with guacamole, cheese, meat, fried onions and tortilla. It was so good. Then I fixed a second one and ate about 2 bites. I was done.  We stopped and got ice cream at Marble Slab. I got a medium cup of sweet cream with strawberries. I left about 2/3rds of it. The 1/3 that I ate was great but could not eat anymore.

Even though I feel like I am deprived at times and at times I am so hungry it is all worth it. I want to be healthy so that when my awesome hubby and I are in our 80s we can sit on the front porch and drink root beer. Unless I make changes to my health at this time I will not be healthy sitting on that front porch.

I am so blessed to have family and friends that support me in my weight loss and making life changes with my eating as well as my health.  I know that I still have some road to travel to get to where I am healthier but I will get there this time. I look forward to getting rid of clothes and getting to buy more in smaller size.

I see the changes in my body in weird ways. For instance I have collar bones that are appearing, my rings are too big, my ankles and feet and my boobs. I know there is a difference in my waist cause of my pants and the way they fit.

Keep watching for new updates as I go down this road to getting healthy and hopefully getting off all my diabetic meds.

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