
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."--Harriet Tubman

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Clothes and My Dilemma

Hello again!

Well I have officially purchased some size 18 capris and shirts! Super excited!
I have lost a couple more pounds!

I am having one dilemma ---I recently went through my closets and I donated a lot of clothes. Now that I am seeing a difference in the way my clothes are fitting brings about my dilemma. I go look at my clothes to pick out a shirt and I look at the shirts I have and realize that I have very few that fit the way a shirt should fit. I have worn baggy shirts to cover up me up for so long but now that I see a difference I want to wear shirts that fit better but still are long to give me that cover I still need. You would think that I could just walk to my closets and get rid of the shirts that don’t fit anymore……but I can’t. I am not sure why but I can’t. Ray has asked me several times about being scared to not have them. Ray is so supportive and just tells me he does not care what I look like as long as I am healthy so we can be 80 sitting in our rockers on our front porch drinking Root Beer, he is incredible about all of this. I do not have plans to regain my weight by any means. I have got rid of the pants that don’t fit for the most part. I have kept some of the 22 capris because I can wear a belt with them. I don’t want to purchase a bunch of clothes in smaller sizes until I reach the weight that I desire. Back to my dilemma—getting rid of these shirts that I own which are baggy on me. I know some may say just go in there, take them, put them in a trash bag—donate them. For me it is not that easy,,,,maybe they are my crutch I don’t know.
As I have sat here and typed this up I have had the thought come to my mind to go in there ---with Ray as my support—put them in a bag but then put them in storage for  a while. At least they will still be “mine” and I will know where they are for a while. 
I have not kept up with watching what I eat like I should but I am maintaining my weight. Now is time to get back on track and get this weight back in the disappearing mode. I love the changes I feel and see. I feel better—I can bend over forward to tie my shoes, paint my toes and things like that. I see my collar bone that was hid for a while.  My feet have lost weight, my fingers—it is the little things as well as the big things like being able to wear a size 18 womens I asked the question recently as to what is the difference between a size 18 ladies and 18 womens so I was told there is a big difference because the women’s size clothes are made fuller.  I was never sure what the difference is but now I know.
My sugar numbers are still down from what they were. I used to wake up with my morning sugar level around 190 now I wake up and I am under 120. I am careful about how much sugar I eat and drink. It took me some time to adjust to the feeling of having a lower sugar level because it had been so high for so long. I felt like I was going to become a pin cushion because I was testing so much because my body was used to staying with a high sugar level all day and since March adjusting to being at 110 during the day or in the 90’s I was testing often to make sure I was not too low. I only had a couple of incidents where I went below 80, those were in the evenings at home. Now I am used to my new numbers and it feels good. I used to dread going for my lab work and then to see my doctor for results but at the end of this month I go in for my labs and visit….I am excited!
For now this is how things are going with my weight loss and my diabetes.

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